About Us

The African Widows and Disabled Foundation (AWD Foundation) is an African non-governmental organization based in Ghana with the registration number CG093762014 that was established in January 2014 under the social welfare acts to advocate for the rights of the vulnerable groups ( widows, people living with disabilities, orphans, youth,old age, pregnant women, etc), empowerment through capacity building, skill training and education, eliminating negative perceptions hold by both the marginalized groups and the able once.


What we cherish most is teaching the vulnerable groups how to catch a fish but not to give a fish. And we go by this  slogan ” if you give a person a fish, he/she will eat for a day ; but if you teach him/her how to fish, he/she will eat for a lifetime

Our Mission

  1. To create barrier free environment for the vulnerable groups.
  2. Become the primary representative body for non-governmental organisations involved in charitable, orphanage, widows and disabled support programmes in Ghana and throughout Africa.
  3. Poverty Reduction
  4. People should be educated on the values of generosity and basic human rights.
  5. Provide professional and skill training to our members and stakeholders in order for them to learn more about charity.
  6. Observe discipline and professional specialisation among staff operating charity, orphanage, widow and disabled organisations to assist strengthen the notion of marketing in charity.
  7. Facilitate the acquisition of certification for recognised charitable organisations both locally and globally in order to elevate their standing, and give authorization certification for AWD Foundation associated members.
  8. To do market research, surveys, and report consulting for charitable organisations.
  9. Follow investigative and enrollment procedures to assist AWD Foundation members in furthering their education in universities and colleges in Ghana, the United Kingdom, and the United States, among other places.
  10. To offer unrestricted free advice and help to people, members, and charitable organisations in Ghana and throughout Africa.

Our Vision

To promote and strengthen the Community Based Rehabilitation Matrix (Education, Health, Social, Livelihood, Empowerment components and elements) towards millennium development goals.

Our Values

  1. Practising inclusive and mainstream development.
  2.  Advocacy
  3. Outreach programmes.
  4. Educating care givers on how to use assistive devices.
  5. Awareness creation concerning disorders and how to manage them.
  6. Teaching the public on human guide techniques (self defence training, mobility and orientation training).
  7. Giving financial support , food staffs, clothing to the vulnerable people.
  8. Empowerment through capacity building and skills training
  9. Educating people living with disabilities how to accept their conditions in good faith, and to encourage parents of people with disabilities to accept their responsibilities.
  10. Empowerment as a cross cutting tool for rehabilitation and sustainability.

Our Passion

  1. Professionalism
  2. Commitment
  3. Optimism
  4. Satisfaction
  5. Tolerance

Target Group


  • Widows
  • Orphans
  • Old age
  • Disables


  • Ministry of education.
  • Ghana national federation.
  • Ministry of youth and Sports
  • Ghana sports authority
  • Ministry of food and agriculture
  • Ministry of Health
  • National Health Insurance Scheme
  • Ministry of Women, Gender and Social Protection
  • Ghana Aids commission
  • Corporate bodies
  • Department of Social Welfare
  • Churches
  • NGOs
  • Individuals ,etc

Future Plans

  1. Scaling up of the foundation.
  2. Work beyond Africa (Bridging the gab between nations)
  3. Tackle social issues like streetism, child labour, child trafficking, child abuse, teenage pregnancy etc.
  4. Building rehabilitation centres.
  5. creating sponsorship schemes for Special need students.
  6. Building sustainable projects ( water reservoirs, training centers, toilets facilities, agricultural farms, ware houses, etc)

Profile of Directors and Executive Members

TRUSTEES: It is their role to provide policy direction counsel to the Board of Directors. They must also assess performance and provide management with information to ensure long-term viability.


PRESIDENT/ CEO:Oversees and supervises the executive team to implement the corporate mission


BOARD OF DIRECTORS: They will brainstorm, provide policy directives, and monitor management’s overall performance. It will be made up of a board chairman (executive director), a secretary, and other board members.


MANAGEMENT: Is in charge of implementing policies, programmes, and strategizing for various management strategies. It is the most active sector of the authority organisation and will absorb any board member as needed. Its members will be the Founder, President/CEO, Administrator, Finance Officer/Accountant, Project Manager, Secretary, National Coordinator, Regional Coordinator, District Coordinator, and Public Relations Officer.


SUPPORTING STAFF: Will be hired to assist management. In accordance with organisational goals, they support management with general administration, record keeping, project management, and public relations activities.

Organizational Chart

Board Of Directors

Chief Executive Officer


Advantage of Working With Us

Our NGO is a full-fledged organisation with vast knowledge-based capability and significant personnel to put our aims into action in accordance with our business purpose and goals.

To create shareholder goodwill, support, and acceptance, it becomes your company social obligation to assist handicapped individuals and widows.

Your contribution to this wonderful organisation implies that you are investing in the lives of individuals in the environment from which your business will benefit in the future.

We will include your name as a sponsor in our publicity/media efforts to promote your support for our worthy cause.

As a means of improving your image, your firm will fulfil its corporate social obligation.



The Solicitor for AWD Foundation is Thomas Aubyn Associates (Spintex, Baatsonaa).

RECOGNITION: Fully recognized by Social Welfare and other associated bodies.